Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Few says ago,Sis saved a picture of a really handsome and pretty girl in desktop!!I came across it and she literally took my breath away~♥Awwwww....Pretty right??!Hana Kimi Japan version.Shes WAY prettier than the 'rui xi' taiwan character!!Her char's name is ashiya.But besides tat,the other actors i prefer taiwanese..altho almost of the classmates also damn handsome but they all seem like same..not special anymore and i find it difficult to differentiate main ones and the others.Sano(our right and standing at her left.) played wuzun's char and wuzun is much more leng zai lol!Heres a bigger pic of her~:DWahahahahha~She disguises as a boy into a boy school in the story but to me she looks exactly like a girl swt.Ahhhh really envy her lolz why japanese boys and girls also so pretty and handsome one T_T
Currently watching hana kimi japan epi2 LOL mesmerizing her beauty most of the time instead of concentrating on the show hee

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