Saturday, April 12, 2008


As i said,yesterday was Vincent's birthday..At 8 smth,Xinyi suddenly called ying and asked us 3 to go to Vincent's house to surprise him now..We were shocked cuz we didnt even prepared and have to go now??So fast??Even ying oso haven bathed..I called Hann immeadiately and asked her wanna go Vincent's house anot but she's having her test can i forgot that..While i was on the phone,a blue kancil stopped infront of our house..Sis went to check who isit and cried 'Its jim!!' I was so shocked!!lol why didnt u tell us ur coming?!?!I was wearing my sleeping gown for God's sake and holding the phone in one hand LOL..Sis and bro went out to talk to jim while i continue my conversation with hann..Then jim went away and sis told me he was on his way to vincent's house(just in the traffic outside our hse only),someone called him to bring us there so he came..Zzz jim ar..u really scared us man..suddenly appear infront of our gate..haha..So sis dashed upstairs to have her bath,we all prepared and dad bring us to his house.

We reached there and saw many frens outside of Vincent's house.They seem like waiting for ppl.Xinyi,Jim,anna,azlin,sum yee ling(hope i spelled her name correctly..shes frenly :D) and a acs guy(wads his name again?)We gathered around excitedly..Vin's mom came(She's in our plan too keke) and told us Vin was studying in his room so its all cleared and we can go upstairs now..
We tiptoed upstairs to his room.Then we all suddenly jumped in and cried'HAPPI BIRTHDAY!!'hahaha..and we found him sitting on his bed doing his project with his laptop....NAKED!!hahaha..well,half naked actually :P
Heres a brief recording of the process haha..its funny and he's like so shocked and shy cuz we recorded his naked body woo~~sexyyy!!hahahah!!..sorry bout it but i dont know how to rotate it haha..anyone noe how?:)

Hahaha..Surprise,Vincent!hehehe..dun worry we'r not putting it in utube :D..We chatted in his room while waiting for others..Later,Darren,tuckie,mankwan,peggy,ah poow,huey sin,ijeen and meichern arrived..We even used Vincent's msn id to scared some ppl..ah pan was one of it HAHAHHA!!

The mango flavored birthday cake!!mm~yummy~hehe..the girl's sound is meichern's.
Heres the birthday guy hehe..awkward pose eh?hahaha..
All the guys took with Vin..Dunno y but everytime i look at this picture i'll feel like laughing LOL the way they smile are cute hahaha!!!
After that,we ate the yummy cake and chatted..They suddenly say wanna play with the cream and water!no wonder xinyi they all brought extra clothes haha..those who not going to play stayed inside the house of our safety,while the others played outside crazily.And i mean they were really crazy!!!they even put meichern inside a container and kept pouring water on her..hahah..Heres the scene..The container was so high and meichern was so tiny in it lol..They enjoyed themselves very much and we can see that after the water war was over-our shoes were all soaked and wet!!Regret for not bringing my sandals ther swt..
We played in Vin's room for awhile,exploring his comp and laptop before going back with jim's car..Heard they are going to Giant's McD afterwards..0.0 its 12a.m. already!!still supper?swt..

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