Sunday, June 10, 2012


Hi there!
Well, I've been having my intern for 2 weeks now, tomorrow would be the start of my third week in my company! Working life literally sucked all the life outta you during weekdays! Unless you're really a party animal and able to survive without sleep, and that you can fork out your sleeping time to parteh. Otherwise, you seriously don't have the time (and energy) to play like you used to in college. Hmm that's the price you need to pay when you step out of teenage life and join the work force!

My work starts at 8am, which means I have to wake at 630am if I want to bath lol. Its been long since I have to wake before the sun rises! First week was so tiring for me to adjust, but yeah as time goes I'll have no problem with it for sure! Hehe. Now that school holidays come to an end, I have parents for company! Dad and mom normally wake at 530am to prepare for school hehe. So grateful that I'm able to have my intern here at hometown! When you go to a brand new place, it takes time to adjust (yeah unless you're the type of social people that can simply blend in to any society). The first step was hardest. And the first week was indeed hard for me! I'm super shy type of person, and I won't dare to approach people first.. Therefore, at times I'm quite depressed and have low self esteem cause of the social problems arised at my workplace =( But! When I came home to my cozy home, with parents and sis around me, my worries are all gone and I'm a happy girl again! Can't imagine if I have to have intern elsewhere, have no friends at workplace, and come home with no people to console and accompany me.. how sad is that?

Internship is like an eye opener to us. It allows us undergraduates taste what it's like in future to be a full time employee, to work under boss, sometimes under pressure, and to mingle around with all kinds of people! The society around you is no longer consist of same aged people, they're from all walks of lives, grown ups, different perspective of life and different backgrounds. That's how it'll be like in the real world. I'm seriously glad that I still have 2 sems before I'm officially a proud graduate. I will surely enjoy the remaining time in uni and be with all my favourite buddies before we part! Oh its 10minutes to 11! Time to sleep! Lets hope for the best for the coming weeks! Good night!


Chien said...

hoho.. so early ;D
i woke at 7.30 :P

Kristy Chong said...

Yeah my work starts at 8am! :( Factories normally is this time one. When does your work end?