Saturday, April 25, 2009
Super duper long tag
1.The person that tagged you is:
Loi hui Kit aka hk aka dRix?
2.Your relationship with him is:
Friend plus course mate.
3.Your first impression of him is:
Hmm,this guy looks kinda smart..(and heck im dead right!xD)
4.The most memorable moments with him:
Erm..having class together?haha.
5.The most memorable thing she has said to you is:
Erm....' im a banana ' ?i was vry vry shocked cuz he speaks vry fluent chinese!haha
6. If he becomes your lover, you will:
Huh?i will?if and if only la haha
7. If she became your lover, what should she improve at:
Cut ur super long fringe!!hahahahhahaa!
8. If he becomes your enemy, what would you do:
Glare evilly at his back everyday in class.See he still can concentrate anot,hmph.
9. If he becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
We quarrelled? ):
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him now is:
Err...bring him go cut his fringe?hahahhahahha!
11. Your overall impression on him:
Good guy,smart,basketball lover..but cant let go of things easily.
12. The characteristic you love most about yourself:
Im forgiveful.and kind,maybe?
13. The characteristic you hate most about yourself:
Forgetful!!I somehow have short term memories hahaha.
Not determined enough and lazy. T T
14. The most ideal person you want to be is:
A successful person.
15. For people that care and like you, say something to them:
Thanks for being there for me..I wont disappoint u guys.
16. Pass this quiz to 10 people who you want to know how they feel about you:
17. Who is 6 having a relationship with:
Ehehehe in process.
18. is 9 a male or female:
19. If 7 and 10 were together, would it be a good thing:
Ahahahhaha!It'll be funny hahahah.
20. What is 2 studying at the moment:
Foundation in IT.
21. When was the last time you had a chat with 3:
Just now thru msn.
22. What kind of music does 8 like:
Jason Mraz and Taylor Swift kind of music.
23. Does 1 have any siblings:
Nop she doesnt.
24. Will you woo 3:
Hahahhaha!think so?wahahahhah! (3 is my female frend)
25. How about 7:
LOLLOLL oh yes i wil ahhaha! (7 is my sis)
26. Is 4 single:
Yeap guess so hehe.
27. What's the surname of 5:
28. What's the hobby of 5:
Erm..Taking pictures maybe?
29. Do 5 and 9 get along well:
They dont know each other.
30. Where is 2 studying at:
Multimedia University.
31. Say something casual about your eyes:
Its black in colour! =P
32. Have you tried developing feelings for 5?
Yupyup of coarse!
33. Where does 9 live:
34. What colours does 4 like:
Black?anna,do u lik black?hehe
35. Are 5 and 1 good friends:
Yeah yeah quite good!
36. Does 7 like 2:
Of coarse!^^
37. How did you get to know 2:
Shes my opposite neighbour and my hsemate's secondary classmate.
38. Does 1 have any pets:
Yeah.2 tortoises and 2 stray-pet cats.
39. Is 7 the sexiest person in the world:
Oh nonono xPP!
Loi hui Kit aka hk aka dRix?
2.Your relationship with him is:
Friend plus course mate.
3.Your first impression of him is:
Hmm,this guy looks kinda smart..(and heck im dead right!xD)
4.The most memorable moments with him:
Erm..having class together?haha.
5.The most memorable thing she has said to you is:
Erm....' im a banana ' ?i was vry vry shocked cuz he speaks vry fluent chinese!haha
6. If he becomes your lover, you will:
Huh?i will?if and if only la haha
7. If she became your lover, what should she improve at:
Cut ur super long fringe!!hahahahhahaa!
8. If he becomes your enemy, what would you do:
Glare evilly at his back everyday in class.See he still can concentrate anot,hmph.
9. If he becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
We quarrelled? ):
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him now is:
Err...bring him go cut his fringe?hahahhahahha!
11. Your overall impression on him:
Good guy,smart,basketball lover..but cant let go of things easily.
12. The characteristic you love most about yourself:
Im forgiveful.and kind,maybe?
13. The characteristic you hate most about yourself:
Forgetful!!I somehow have short term memories hahaha.
Not determined enough and lazy. T T
14. The most ideal person you want to be is:
A successful person.
15. For people that care and like you, say something to them:
Thanks for being there for me..I wont disappoint u guys.
16. Pass this quiz to 10 people who you want to know how they feel about you:
17. Who is 6 having a relationship with:
Ehehehe in process.
18. is 9 a male or female:
19. If 7 and 10 were together, would it be a good thing:
Ahahahhaha!It'll be funny hahahah.
20. What is 2 studying at the moment:
Foundation in IT.
21. When was the last time you had a chat with 3:
Just now thru msn.
22. What kind of music does 8 like:
Jason Mraz and Taylor Swift kind of music.
23. Does 1 have any siblings:
Nop she doesnt.
24. Will you woo 3:
Hahahhaha!think so?wahahahhah! (3 is my female frend)
25. How about 7:
LOLLOLL oh yes i wil ahhaha! (7 is my sis)
26. Is 4 single:
Yeap guess so hehe.
27. What's the surname of 5:
28. What's the hobby of 5:
Erm..Taking pictures maybe?
29. Do 5 and 9 get along well:
They dont know each other.
30. Where is 2 studying at:
Multimedia University.
31. Say something casual about your eyes:
Its black in colour! =P
32. Have you tried developing feelings for 5?
Yupyup of coarse!
33. Where does 9 live:
34. What colours does 4 like:
Black?anna,do u lik black?hehe
35. Are 5 and 1 good friends:
Yeah yeah quite good!
36. Does 7 like 2:
Of coarse!^^
37. How did you get to know 2:
Shes my opposite neighbour and my hsemate's secondary classmate.
38. Does 1 have any pets:
Yeah.2 tortoises and 2 stray-pet cats.
39. Is 7 the sexiest person in the world:
Oh nonono xPP!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Bread - If
Was browsing blogs when i noticed iv been tagged by Deanna.Aikz.
I'll combine the tag with my blog post then hehe.
Our guitar teacher taught us a brand new song yesterday!*see my blog title
Altho previous ones we didnt really accomplished la (:
He just gave us the pieces,taught us some of the troublesome notes and we are to practice ourselves at home.
I like that song.It has slow and touching melody.Its an easy song too!^^
Sensei sing and play at the same time.His voice is not bad ^^
Ahh.Only one guitar lesson left for this sem :(
And vry much thank you to Alex for borrowing me your expensive guitar(his son).
No worries.'He's still here with me.I promise u i'll treat 'him' well xD~
Alright,now heres the taggie.
Why do you chose this photo?
Cuz everyone was smiling so merrily!^^
Took during our first ever Setia Class yumcha at Rest1.
I feel happy whenever i see this picture.And the 'gu' gang are all here too!
Except Krystal T.T
When is the last time u ate Pizza?
Months ago.Shakeys.
Still rmb is right after sweaty basketball game haha.
The last song you've listened to?
The Show,by Lenka ?
Its the song im listening now lol.
What are you doing besides answering this tag?
MSN,songs and with physics papers spreaded messily infront of my lappie.
Besides your own name, how do you like ppl to call u?
Ah ni,Kristy,small one
Tag 6 person. The following question is related to them.
Who is No. 1?
My clever high school classmate.Vry humorous and naughty.
Evil minded(in tricking others.haha)and vry creative.
Animal,peace and environment lover.Fun to be with.
Currently studying Architecture in Taylors.
No. 3 have a relationship with?
Hahaha trust me,its vry complicated lollol!:P
Say something about No. 5.
High school classmate too.
Can be funny and crazy,but sometimes quiet and serious when troubled.
Her laughter is highly contagious XP
How about No. 4?
The brainy Tele guy with 4 word-name haha.Poem and blog writer.
First met him in Bon Odori bus.Get to know him thru JLS events.
Treated us juniors really well.Best nanny and senior ever.^^
Hey,goodluck with 'her' ya hehe.
Who is No. 2?
My tiny IT neighbour,pro drummer and dining partner.
Humorous and 38,but serious in her things too.
Still rmb the first thing id said to her is 'Can i hav a piece of the cake?'XDD!
Say something bout No. 6!
Haha.Its her nickname in cyberworld.Her real name is JingHong.
Shes my Ixora hsemate.Just live opposite of my room lol.
The passionate coffee lover,Tate(local artist)'s fan who pasted many many of Tate's pictures on her wall beside her bed like those maniac killers will do with their to be victims haha!
Afraids of thunder and loneliness,but loves and dares to watch horror movies swt.
Rmd to do this tag ya (:
Thats all.
I'll combine the tag with my blog post then hehe.
Our guitar teacher taught us a brand new song yesterday!*see my blog title
Altho previous ones we didnt really accomplished la (:
He just gave us the pieces,taught us some of the troublesome notes and we are to practice ourselves at home.
I like that song.It has slow and touching melody.Its an easy song too!^^
Sensei sing and play at the same time.His voice is not bad ^^
Ahh.Only one guitar lesson left for this sem :(
And vry much thank you to Alex for borrowing me your expensive guitar(his son).
No worries.'He's still here with me.I promise u i'll treat 'him' well xD~
Alright,now heres the taggie.

Cuz everyone was smiling so merrily!^^
Took during our first ever Setia Class yumcha at Rest1.
I feel happy whenever i see this picture.And the 'gu' gang are all here too!
Except Krystal T.T
When is the last time u ate Pizza?
Months ago.Shakeys.
Still rmb is right after sweaty basketball game haha.
The last song you've listened to?
The Show,by Lenka ?
Its the song im listening now lol.
What are you doing besides answering this tag?
MSN,songs and with physics papers spreaded messily infront of my lappie.
Besides your own name, how do you like ppl to call u?
Ah ni,Kristy,small one
Tag 6 person. The following question is related to them.
Who is No. 1?
My clever high school classmate.Vry humorous and naughty.
Evil minded(in tricking others.haha)and vry creative.
Animal,peace and environment lover.Fun to be with.
Currently studying Architecture in Taylors.
No. 3 have a relationship with?
Hahaha trust me,its vry complicated lollol!:P
Say something about No. 5.
High school classmate too.
Can be funny and crazy,but sometimes quiet and serious when troubled.
Her laughter is highly contagious XP
How about No. 4?
The brainy Tele guy with 4 word-name haha.Poem and blog writer.
First met him in Bon Odori bus.Get to know him thru JLS events.
Treated us juniors really well.Best nanny and senior ever.^^
Hey,goodluck with 'her' ya hehe.
Who is No. 2?
My tiny IT neighbour,pro drummer and dining partner.
Humorous and 38,but serious in her things too.
Still rmb the first thing id said to her is 'Can i hav a piece of the cake?'XDD!
Say something bout No. 6!
Haha.Its her nickname in cyberworld.Her real name is JingHong.
Shes my Ixora hsemate.Just live opposite of my room lol.
The passionate coffee lover,Tate(local artist)'s fan who pasted many many of Tate's pictures on her wall beside her bed like those maniac killers will do with their to be victims haha!
Afraids of thunder and loneliness,but loves and dares to watch horror movies swt.
Rmd to do this tag ya (:
Thats all.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday,Nichi Yobi desu.
I was sleeping soundly when i suddenly realized its kinda late n jerked up.The sunlight that penetrated through the half transparent window was unusually warm.I grabbed my hp and checked the time.Woops,1130am d?!!Hey i did set my alarms yesterday night rite,why didnt they rang???huh.Both the alarms were offed..If i did off it myself,i'l put my hp bside my bed instead of on the rak.Hmm..i got down,grabbed the toothpaste and opened the door.Hey,wait a min.Why isnt the door locked?I rmbered i did locked the door before i went to sleep yesterday..And it can only be opened from the inside!I swear i didnt go out,so as sleepwalking! O.o'' sounds abit eerie.Yikes.
Sis went home since Thursday cuz she had her dentist appointment on Friday morning.I refused to follow her back as i had classes on Friday.Also,i wanna train myself to be more independent,knot always sticking around with sis rite?So im going to spend 3 nights here w/out sis.I tot i was going to freak out (mind,im really scared to dark and alone),but no,im fine and dare to slp alone ^^ yay.Mayb i feel safe here,despite all the horrible stories iv heard from my frens who claimed they are true.Planned to study and catch up with all my subjects during these weekends but erm..kinda failed i think :DD
Watched High School Musical 1 with Kelling yesterday.Yes i know we'r really outdated :D We even watched Step Up2 just few days ago.Woohoo~ I only watched High School Musical 3 and fell in love with it.The first one was really nice.With awesome soundtracks!Hey the HSM series is fantastic!I simply cant understand those who dislike it :P Pity HSM3's the last one.They'v guaduated and its no longer 'High sch' d lol.Next up,i guess its Shopaholic and Fast & Furious on our 'home theater' xD and sry la sis,we bluffed u tat day we're going to watch the midnight show F&F and u believed,kept persuading us to watch with u when u bac lollol.
My family decided to go kl yesterday to visit my sick aunt w/out me.
Yer.i wanna go kl i wan i wan! *roll on the floor
By the way,theres a kidnap case happening in my hse recently.wahahaha.
See whos the pity hostage?nyehehe.
Tadaa~Its sis's precious teddy!!:P
I really should mosaic our faces in the first place(abductors arent spose to reveal their identities rite?haha)
But since sis had put it on her blog, nvm *shrug
Sis loved her pink teddy so much!And she went bac to sban and left her here.
Oh uh..bad move xD.
Evil Kelling came up with this idea of snapping pic with the teddy and send to sis via msn.
To our delight,sis was so furious and nervous.
Kept 'weiiiiiiii!' and asking us not to harm her lil ted.
Wahaha~ Innocent Yvonne happened to be here and so we 'recruited' another member to our gang hehehe!
That was fun. :P
P/s:sis faster come bac mlk i wanna buy bags~!!
Sis went home since Thursday cuz she had her dentist appointment on Friday morning.I refused to follow her back as i had classes on Friday.Also,i wanna train myself to be more independent,knot always sticking around with sis rite?So im going to spend 3 nights here w/out sis.I tot i was going to freak out (mind,im really scared to dark and alone),but no,im fine and dare to slp alone ^^ yay.Mayb i feel safe here,despite all the horrible stories iv heard from my frens who claimed they are true.Planned to study and catch up with all my subjects during these weekends but erm..kinda failed i think :DD
Watched High School Musical 1 with Kelling yesterday.Yes i know we'r really outdated :D We even watched Step Up2 just few days ago.Woohoo~ I only watched High School Musical 3 and fell in love with it.The first one was really nice.With awesome soundtracks!Hey the HSM series is fantastic!I simply cant understand those who dislike it :P Pity HSM3's the last one.They'v guaduated and its no longer 'High sch' d lol.Next up,i guess its Shopaholic and Fast & Furious on our 'home theater' xD and sry la sis,we bluffed u tat day we're going to watch the midnight show F&F and u believed,kept persuading us to watch with u when u bac lollol.
My family decided to go kl yesterday to visit my sick aunt w/out me.
Yer.i wanna go kl i wan i wan! *roll on the floor
By the way,theres a kidnap case happening in my hse recently.wahahaha.
See whos the pity hostage?nyehehe.

I really should mosaic our faces in the first place(abductors arent spose to reveal their identities rite?haha)
But since sis had put it on her blog, nvm *shrug
Sis loved her pink teddy so much!And she went bac to sban and left her here.
Oh uh..bad move xD.
Evil Kelling came up with this idea of snapping pic with the teddy and send to sis via msn.
To our delight,sis was so furious and nervous.
Kept 'weiiiiiiii!' and asking us not to harm her lil ted.
Wahaha~ Innocent Yvonne happened to be here and so we 'recruited' another member to our gang hehehe!
That was fun. :P
P/s:sis faster come bac mlk i wanna buy bags~!!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Whats up.
Its Sunday already.Theres so many activities going on for the past few days to keep me away from my blog.So im gonna conclude in one single post here ^^
Well,last Saturday was Vincent and Fu's 19th birthday!So old d :P And nop they arent twins hehe!Vincent was having his midterm in INTI so he couldnt join in the celebration.We held a surpise party at Steamboat there.And we all pretended not to celebrate with her that day.She even called Vivienne and complained that no one's celebrating with her lik vry pity lik tat HAHA tat was hilarious!But then,surprise~^^
We all were busy complaining how we dislike the steamboat and prefer steaks instead just before the fest :P but it turns out to be a yummy dinner ^^
And behold~heres the happi birthday girl~!
Glad we finally found a present she likes.
After a pretty long evening hunting in Terminal 1 to get her old purse replaced.^^
Different flavours of ice creams as appetizer.Love this pic.
It was really fun hanging out with the old gang.
From left,Me,no-longer-single Hann and short-haired Amelia =)
Wee.That was fun.
Sunday was Qingming day!But kinda few relatives turned up compared to previous years.Cuz most of them were busy.Even bro also not coming bac for QingMing.First time..but nvrtheless,we still enjoyed it vry much^^.
Monday,it was the first day of Sushi Bonanza!Every single rice based sushi only cost you rm2!Hehe.Actually im not really tat into sushi,(except Unagi and Tempura.yummy)but i was free tat day,so why not?^^ At night,we went for 60 seconds to fame.Well u can know from its name,its kinda like the 30 secs to fame,but in m'sia style.more or less the same ^^.The performances ware so so,but we did hav great time cuz its the first time we went for these kinda activities.How good isit if we can vote too! (:
Tuesday night was Drama Festival!!!Were so excited!Us alpha had dramas for our English assesment and those great ones were selected to go for the drama competition between faculties!!3groups:2 groups from Law and one from Management got in the final.Both the law groups were great.They speak fantastic english.Management one was interesting too!hehe..At last PL04,one of the law group,emerged as champion.The loud cheers when the winner was announced,the victorious smile on their faces,the tall golden trophy tightly grasped in the Best Actress's hands..Congratulations. ^^
Wednesday was Malacca's Declaration as historical city so its a holiday!!So we went MPDP with hsemates and Yvonne's hsemates too.2 taxis.We shopped from 10am right till 10pm!hehehe.Shopping was really fun..On the other hand,Yvonne and her hsemates reckoned JonkerWalk should be opened as it was a holiday and wanted to walk there to buy some cookies.But turned out theres no Jonker so they strayed further to find a decent place for dinner.But ended up lost in the middle of nowhere and had to call taxi for help XDD damn funny.
Thursday.Emina,the MMU anime club organised a GACC lite in FBL.They had display of miniatures,anime screenings every night,as well as Maid and Butlers cafe!!Where u have girls in maid costumes and boys in Butler's serving u hot beverages and sandwiches!!loll.
I dont dare to take pics with them.
So here are some of the cute 'maids' that i took beside.hoho ^^
Wonder where they borrow the costumes lol.
YewMeng even bought a Gundam Model which cost him rm232!!!O.o''
And this is one of the anime miniatures.
I dont know wad charactor isit but i find it very pretty :D
As for the left figure behind,its the female charactor from Gundam.(forgot name aiks)
Well,thats what happens in the past week.hehe.
P/s:Things might change,if only you were more determined.
Well,last Saturday was Vincent and Fu's 19th birthday!So old d :P And nop they arent twins hehe!Vincent was having his midterm in INTI so he couldnt join in the celebration.We held a surpise party at Steamboat there.And we all pretended not to celebrate with her that day.She even called Vivienne and complained that no one's celebrating with her lik vry pity lik tat HAHA tat was hilarious!But then,surprise~^^

And behold~heres the happi birthday girl~!

After a pretty long evening hunting in Terminal 1 to get her old purse replaced.^^

It was really fun hanging out with the old gang.
From left,Me,no-longer-single Hann and short-haired Amelia =)
Wee.That was fun.
Sunday was Qingming day!But kinda few relatives turned up compared to previous years.Cuz most of them were busy.Even bro also not coming bac for QingMing.First time..but nvrtheless,we still enjoyed it vry much^^.
Monday,it was the first day of Sushi Bonanza!Every single rice based sushi only cost you rm2!Hehe.Actually im not really tat into sushi,(except Unagi and Tempura.yummy)but i was free tat day,so why not?^^ At night,we went for 60 seconds to fame.Well u can know from its name,its kinda like the 30 secs to fame,but in m'sia style.more or less the same ^^.The performances ware so so,but we did hav great time cuz its the first time we went for these kinda activities.How good isit if we can vote too! (:
Tuesday night was Drama Festival!!!Were so excited!Us alpha had dramas for our English assesment and those great ones were selected to go for the drama competition between faculties!!3groups:2 groups from Law and one from Management got in the final.Both the law groups were great.They speak fantastic english.Management one was interesting too!hehe..At last PL04,one of the law group,emerged as champion.The loud cheers when the winner was announced,the victorious smile on their faces,the tall golden trophy tightly grasped in the Best Actress's hands..Congratulations. ^^
Wednesday was Malacca's Declaration as historical city so its a holiday!!So we went MPDP with hsemates and Yvonne's hsemates too.2 taxis.We shopped from 10am right till 10pm!hehehe.Shopping was really fun..On the other hand,Yvonne and her hsemates reckoned JonkerWalk should be opened as it was a holiday and wanted to walk there to buy some cookies.But turned out theres no Jonker so they strayed further to find a decent place for dinner.But ended up lost in the middle of nowhere and had to call taxi for help XDD damn funny.
Thursday.Emina,the MMU anime club organised a GACC lite in FBL.They had display of miniatures,anime screenings every night,as well as Maid and Butlers cafe!!Where u have girls in maid costumes and boys in Butler's serving u hot beverages and sandwiches!!loll.

So here are some of the cute 'maids' that i took beside.hoho ^^
Wonder where they borrow the costumes lol.
YewMeng even bought a Gundam Model which cost him rm232!!!O.o''

I dont know wad charactor isit but i find it very pretty :D
As for the left figure behind,its the female charactor from Gundam.(forgot name aiks)
Well,thats what happens in the past week.hehe.
P/s:Things might change,if only you were more determined.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Breathtaking Moment
Standing high up on the balcony of 16th floor,
overlooking the late night Malacca city.
It shines brilliantly below with million dots of glowing street lights.
Above,where the overcast,dark sky expand,
numerous bright orange lighting,
flashing through the sky.
Form a cloud to another.
Hardly making any sound.
The beauty of Mother Nature?
overlooking the late night Malacca city.
It shines brilliantly below with million dots of glowing street lights.
Above,where the overcast,dark sky expand,
numerous bright orange lighting,
flashing through the sky.
Form a cloud to another.
Hardly making any sound.
The beauty of Mother Nature?
It was a peaceful Saturday yesterday til Ym called for movie aft dinner.
Its Fast & Furious.My frens have good comments on it so i decided to go.
After a long consideration of course.Haha.
I cant make up my mind usually.But since Josh have car,so why not?;)
Josh,Ym,Hk,AhSoon and me went MBO for the 1030pm F&F show.
Were so surprised that the usual empty MBO was flooded with ppl!
Queued up,took some pics and saw the camwhore side of Josh haha.
He was horrified to see my phone full of pics of myself last time but..?=.=''
Me,Joshua and AhSoon..err and tiangs?^^
Its 5 mins pass 1030 when we finally reached the counter.
The tickets of F&F were all sold out,as expected. T.t..
So Joshua suggected Knowing instead,which is 1045pm.
Its quite full too so we got front seats aikz.Check this out.
The red ones are occupied and vice versa for the green ones.Idk.Our necks gonna suffer.
We bought the seats nevertheless.And the show turned out to be awesome!!
The visual,the sound effect,the horrible atmosphere...It seems so damn real!!
Especially the plane crash scene and train thingy!I was really impressed.
You can even feel the seats and floor vibrate with the intensity of the sound!
Kinda like The Day After Tomorrow type.
Its rated 18sg.I can see why :)
4 stars from me.^^ why not 5?Hmm cuz its a sad ending ):
The main actor died.Plus his female frend also died,horribly,hit by a truck.=/
And our earth was destroyed.Its a kinda heavy type of movie.
So we all went out of cinema with heavy hearts :P
No wonder its no1 in US.*tumbsup*
Ahh enough of the spoilers xD Worth a watch indeed.
*P/s:Currently in love with
Its Fast & Furious.My frens have good comments on it so i decided to go.
After a long consideration of course.Haha.
I cant make up my mind usually.But since Josh have car,so why not?;)
Josh,Ym,Hk,AhSoon and me went MBO for the 1030pm F&F show.
Were so surprised that the usual empty MBO was flooded with ppl!
Queued up,took some pics and saw the camwhore side of Josh haha.


Its 5 mins pass 1030 when we finally reached the counter.
The tickets of F&F were all sold out,as expected. T.t..
So Joshua suggected Knowing instead,which is 1045pm.
Its quite full too so we got front seats aikz.Check this out.
We bought the seats nevertheless.And the show turned out to be awesome!!
The visual,the sound effect,the horrible atmosphere...It seems so damn real!!
Especially the plane crash scene and train thingy!I was really impressed.
You can even feel the seats and floor vibrate with the intensity of the sound!
Kinda like The Day After Tomorrow type.
Its rated 18sg.I can see why :)

The main actor died.Plus his female frend also died,horribly,hit by a truck.=/
And our earth was destroyed.Its a kinda heavy type of movie.
So we all went out of cinema with heavy hearts :P
No wonder its no1 in US.*tumbsup*
Ahh enough of the spoilers xD Worth a watch indeed.
*P/s:Currently in love with
Sarah Connor - Christmas in My Heart
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