Monday, February 4, 2008


The antique clock on the wall strikes half past 12 a.m..Im still wide awake in my cosy bed,drafting this blog on my phone.I don't sleep very early nowadays,just like to lie down on my bed thinking of my life and all that happened around me..Wonder how my future looks like.Although I always fix my wake up time with the aid of my alarm(if not i cant imagine when will i wake up) at 830,I usually only manage to get off from my lovely bed at 9 smth.
Im not obedient enough(as it may seem xD) to plan my work and work out my plan perfectly,but Im also not rebellious anough to do whatever i pleased.Due to transport problems,I have to stuck in my boring house every single day till june.Surfing net,doing housechores,sudoku-ing(to keep my lil brain working),newspapers,hk dramas are my daily routine.Thank God for the coming cny,if not i wont sure i'll be able to survive till june!Well,you may wonder,wats the big deal with home-alone?u can jus sleep and eat whenevr u want!who cares?Remember Will Smith in I am Legend?When he is the last survivor on earth,he continues to live a normal life,act as though nth had happened.Continue ur life in an orderly manner can make ur life seem complete,although nobody really bothers how late u got up and go to bed.
y life is ordinary and even plain,not fully decorated by colorful backdrops and thrilled storylines.But still,I try to make the most out of my life.'take a risk,take a chance,make a change and break away.'That's my dearest ambition.Get away from my dull life and explore the outer world!Someday i will...=)

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