Friday, December 19, 2008
starry night
We went for movie at 10 yesterday after dinner.The day the earth stood still..Its was so damn cool and..heck,keanu reeves was so damn handsome!!!the actress was vry pretty too!^__^ such a nice show...watched it at mbo.i do prefer gsc's comfy seats,but mbo is way nearer and,the tickets are still available even at its showing time.Thers plenty of seats too!hehe..We took Mr Liao's taxi there and a roadside taxi back as Mr Liao have to sleep.He even called jus to make sure we got home safetily.Such considerate of him ^^
We got back at 12smth.Exhausted.Then hankai called and asked to come down to the swimming pool to celevbrate Grake's bday.Sang bday song and cut the blueberry chocoate cake.As usual,the bday boy hav to b thrown into the water.And they all chased Grake all around the swimming funny!At last,Grake succumbed lol.And And!!!ahahahha!The best part is,chiew yee saw alex's underwear on the floor!the scene was so hillarious ahahah!Alex changed into his swimming trunk and accidentaly dropped his underpants on the floor..tats y ahhaah.Its a really fun night.The night was vry vry windy and cold.I look up into the vast sky and was shocked!There were unmistakably numerous number of sparkling stars beaming down at us!!Its considered as a miracle for malacca..Cuz its the first night we saw stars hanging on the sky since we'v stayed in ixora!Just the night before,the sky was as clear as before,but theres not a single star in the sky!weird huh?simply love the starssss ^^
Went back at 3,insisted on washing my pile of clothes and slept..
Love my ixora apartment..Its 16th floor and therefore high enough to see the beautiful night view of bukit beruang..the cool sweet night wind..and hey,i just realized the day before that we can see the majestic Eye On Malacca(altho its tiny from here XD)from our unit!cool huh?!heheee
What a magnificent world.
nights ^___^
Monday, December 8, 2008
Hmm lemme c..ahh im going to blog bout the horrible creature sis and bro fear most!nyehhehe!Its lizards yeah.Most ppl kinda scared of lizards dunno why,maybe bcoz of their half transparent groose body,but not me thou *shrug* sis and bro will yell if they come too near

Okay.Saw a tiny lil lizard in bathroom floor where it shouldnt be the other day.I have nothing to do so just use a pail and fill it with water,then dripped slowly,drop by drop,onto the poor lizard's head.Muaahha tats kinda annoying isnt it?^__^ the unlucky lizard tried to escape of coz,but ran not too far,the floor is slippery.So i just continue till it stops to move.i was lik,O.o so fast dead?not fun de

Heres an example,i saw a lizard fell from the wall,then it managed to hang itself onto the edge of a cupboard with its long tail.Its a fully grown lizard,mind u.It just wont let go and hang there for quite some time.I was very amused.It did struggle alil bit but then stopped moving.I was getting bored observing it then i use smth to poke it.To my astonishment,the lizard just dropped to the ground and wont budge.Its body like frozen already.And i was lik,
Btw,anyone of u plying mukabuku?pet society is really fun!Well its kinda lik neopets where u have to earn money to buy things for ur stupid pet.Lolz tats what my fren said.But its fun~hahaha.Tat day i went to the stylist and tried on afew weird looks and vailla~this is how my pet,Puffy looks!Cuteeee isnt it?transformed into a squirall lolz!

That day was our Physics2 lecture.Its raining nonstop recently so we'r all freezing cold in the classroom.Jack took Sir's pic and its really funny!

Las Wednesday thx to Bj we have the opportunity to try the famous million layer cake!Hehe.He's going to MP n DP that day to fetch his God sis there so asked us wanna try the yummy cake anot.So i was lik,errm..ok!^__^ so he said wanna buy one for ma sis and one for me wee~ and we were to meet him for the cake after our jap class.Jap class is getting really fun hehe.At around 1015 our class over.As we were walking back,sensed someone was bhind and turned out to be Calvin and Bj.They went there to return the rent cars.Then Bj gave the cake and said,i'v bought all the flavours except chocolate.I eyed the package,it has 3 boxes in there!O.o''' end up he bought 3 cakes lolz.
We went back with the yummy cakes~asked FongEe to come and try some ^^ Theres berry flovoured,chocolate banana and original.Heres the gorgeous pics =P *taken from sis's blog hoho*

Sunday, December 7, 2008

We just came bac yesterday morning as i had my calculus test on friday night.Dad's fetching us as there were no tickets left.I woke up with difficulty tat day (slept at 3 the other day lol),woke sis up (its 9 already,dad's gonna reach here in no time and shes still sleeping lik a pig :P),washed clothes and ate breakfast,which is the usual milo+roti sob.Mom paid our rental fees and went bac ~weee~Just reached sban,me and my sis terus sleep lol.Have to save time cuz later gonna watch bolt with frens.Slept 1 hr and off we go to jusco.Its also Xnyi's bday at day so we terus have dinner there.Theyv bought Audrey's bra and panties for her!!lol.they'v chosen Kenny Rogers to held the party instead of the usual Pizza Hut lol.So we were to hold a piece of paper each,with writings on it and stand side by side which displays the word XinYi Happy Birthday when shes walking at our direction.Luckily her name's short haha.Thats the craziest thing we'v ever done man.We drew every passer bys's attention and Kenny Rogers was opposite KFC so all the customers also looking at here haha.The pics were at rachel there hmm..Its rather fun tho lolz!
Kenny Rogers was really full.Its muffin was niceeee:tumbsup:
Then we went back by Rachel meimei's car at 11.Exhausted :) finally get to sleep peacefully without any alarms.
We engis had our midterm test earlier than managemaent and ITs.Its quiet good actually.We had lotsa space in between,unlike management which have 3 tests on consecutive days.aiks.We had calculus on Friday night.8 til 930.The test was okay,was so damn worried before that.Theres one Question on Matriks is kinda hard,which was full of i and j marks making me blurred.I was so damn terrified as i cant solf it and it carries 12 marks O.M.G.I skipped tat Q,done the rest of it in full speed,then go back to scratch my head on tat Q.Still rmb i was so panicked and can feel my hand trembling as time tick and im not exaggerating!My hand trembles everytime i have addmath,essay writing and moral tests,which normally i hav not enuf time to complete them.Then,suddenly i got the meaning of i and j and substitute the values inside to get the elements in the 3X3 matrik!!I was sooo damn relieved back then and submitted my paper with a hugeee smile in my heart.Phew!^____^
Then we went outside,as usual,hankai they all are planning for an outing.They wanna go for a movie - Bolt.However,we;v promised to go watch Bolt with hometown frens earlier so i went with Yvonne and Siti for satay celup instead.Weee~!But then there was no sign of them.While we all were chatting outside the main hall,Yvonne called and asked me to go ep asap!Cuz Fenny was in a hurry to Mahkota Medical center wanna visit her sick mom and Siti is fetching here there.So i broke into run thru the back gate.Well,its rather far if i wanna walk thru sch too,plus sch is so dark and creepy at this hour,iv heard enuf stories of FSE and ACR T__T then Yvonne called again and said nvr lah next time lah they'r really rushing as the visit time is going to over.So i dragged myself slowly back to ixora.Despite the disappointment,at least i can accompany sis =) shes alone in hse.Most of our hsemates had gone back..
I opened the room door,sis and FongEe were surprised.I put my books on the table and my phone rang again,displaying Yvonne on the caller ID.She wanted me to go down ixora asap as they'r infront already.I was so bewildered,bid goodbye to fongEe and sis then rushed down and got into Siti's kancil.Swt.Turned out they'v decided to fetch me along and then only go mahkota.satay celup,=).when we'v dropped Fenny in the medical center,Siti said satay celup was too far and we'r eating in the nearby Newton foodcourt instead.aikz disappinted T_T was looking forward to satay celup..i rmb theres a stall in town but dunno the way..We parked our car bhind Newton and got out.Most of the stalls were closed!Hey its only 10smth!@@ melaka is like tat,after lunch time,most of the stalls were closed as well as the malls.even clinics are not operating on weekends.weird huh?So we wandered to MP,wanted to eat pizza but its closed too.Then went DP and finally settled down in McD.Lidren they all were there in DP too.They joined us later in McD.According to them,there's a satay selup stall just 5minute's drive from DP.*wargh im falling~~~ T...T* Eh lidren u still owe me rm8!XDD~ They told us Transporter3 was screening.Its raining and we have nowhere to go so we went for the movie.
The show was kinda cool and packed with actions.It really worth a watch ^__^
Its stillll raining when we got out of the cinema zz.So we had to run to the car park which was kind of distance away,thru the dark deserted Newton fc.*spooky~* We finally home at 3am!And to my astonishment,sis hasn't sleep yet!swt.
That's all for our crazy night lol.Don't quite like the feeling of watching midnight shows.So tired plus the shops are all closed.And wow,iv blogged this for 3hours or more!LOL.going KL later to visit my sick aunt and for a sumptuos dinner celebrate bro's 4flat kaka!woo~

The Kill Tag
a. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc on shuffle
b. For each question, press the next button to get your answer
d. Put any comments in brackets after the song name
e. Rate the songs from 1 to 10.10 for the best sng you'v ever heard.
1. If someone says,”Is this okay?”
Right Here Right Now - HSM3 (Oh yeah HSM3~ lolz)[6]
2. How would you describe yourself?
Love stoned - Justin Timberlake (woots? O.o)[5]
3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
Bu De Bu Ai - Pan Wei Buo (LMAO whahahaha!!)[6]
4. How do you feel today?
Baby i need You Now - Unknown Artist (WTH tats not true!hahhahahha!!!!)[3]
5. What is your life’s purpose?
Way Back Into Love - Hugh Grant ft. Haley Bennet (Huh??nice song tho =P)[7]
6. What is your motto?
Shadow of The Day - Linkin Park (@@'')[5]
7. What do your friends think of you?
Free Loop - Daniel Powter (apa tu?!!?!?)[5.5]
8. What do you think of your parents?
What Dreams Are Made OF - Hillary Duff (lol its getting so off topic-ed haha)[5.5]
9. What do you think about very often?
Motteke!Sailor Fukku - Hirano Aya& Katou Emiri (wad does tat mean?)[4]
10. What is 2+2?
Leaving - Jesse Mccartney (no stress no stress no stress~ swt)[6]
11. What do you think of your best friend?
Feels Like Tonight - Chris Daughtry (huh?!?!lolz)[7]
12. What do you think of the person you like?
Amazing Garce - Charlotte Church (woah so holy meh haha)[6]
13. What is your life?
These Walls - Teddy Geiger (iv got to step outside these walls~haha)[7]
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade (hmm?)[7]
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Beautiful Girls - JoJo (try its first sentence:Im way too cool for u boy~LOL)[4]
16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
My Girl - Westlife (Yoyo not bad yo haha My girl~~)[7]
17. What will they play at your funeral?
YMCA - village people (woiii i nvr knew this song is in my library swt!!!hahahha!Y~MCA~)[2 wuahahhaa!]
18. What is your hobby/interest?]
Im Not a Girl,Not Yet a Woman - Britney Spears (lolz so what?haha)[7]
19. What is your biggest fear?
On Top Of The World - Boys Like Girls (hahahha!im scared of heights yeah lol)[6.5]
20. What is your biggest secret?
hei se mao yi - Jay Chou (my black furry coat?i dont even hav[4.5]
21. What do you think of your friends?
Lovers And Frens - Lil Jon & The Eastside Boys (hahaha[6]
22. What will you post this as?
The Kill - 30 seconds To Mars (alright :])[5]
23. What song would you play during your first time having sex?
This Love - Maroon 5 (Wahhhhhhhhh lol!)[6]Tag tag tagggg!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Happie happy happie
Just had my Physics2 midterm test jus now.And this fri will be our calculus's turn.And i only know we'r having midterm tests last week!lolz.English will b on the 13th,and finals on 4th Jan 2008 i guess..Walao..Jus submitted our >4000 words article to tcher and need to summarise it by next week.Noooo...~~~And btw,my calulus SUCKS!Dunno why..i dont really like calculus lik i do with addmath las time..Physics's far more interesting..hehe. ^^ wonder wad shud i take for beta year.Physics 2,which is all bout waves and lights,kinda changed our minds of taking telecommunication next year :) prefer kinematics =D
Heard matriks results are out today!!And guess what?My bro got 4!!!OMG..congrates man!Its really vry important to get 4flat so that he can have a place in well known varsities..haha think mom,dad and bro damn happy rite now lolz.Looking forward to a really big meal~nyehhehe!I got 3.72 for 1st sem's final..its not vry bad but its not vry good either..just average..T__T shouldnt let mom n dad disappointed ishh.This sem gotta work harder.And Ms Goh's gonna barr any of us if we fail midterm!!shoot..
Our english lecturer,told us a story today.Its her experience actually.Las time when she was lik us,she had many classmates who are older and some even married with children and some even were divorcees.And they nvr complained anything like replacement clses at saturdays lik the younger ones who were at her age tat time.They had nvr been late for a single class and even brought their own children to attend saturday classes.(Cuz no nannies on weekends?@@) and then they will always pass up their work on time.One of them,who was to sign her divorce documents on her final exams,even got 1st class.She ended saying we should not be ranting bout tiny lil things lik saturday morning classes cuz it disturbed our sleeping time,what about those elder ones who need to take care of their families too?They didnt even utter a single word..
I think tats the most useful thing she'd ever said to us so far.haha.But nevertheless,we still kinda hate her ^^ her english kinda have a certain accent in it and its rather annoying!And if u notice wad she said,they are sometimes seems kinda pointless and with no ending.I do prefer madam selvarani hehe.hmm nvm la just try to get use to it =)
Ahh its time for dramas.^^ So relieved phy exam is over,altho iv done my las Q wrong T_T.
One down,2 to go.+u+u
p.s:i wanna sing k~wee